Welcome to the website of Stolpersteine Bad Mergentheim e.V..

Here you will find current news of our association and information we would like to share.

Biographies of the people for whom we have laid or still want to lay Stolpersteine can be found in the menu under Biographies.

Our association offers guided tours about the history of the Jews in Bad Mergentheim. If you are interested, we will gladly try to make this possible. Please contact us via the email address stolpersteine-mergentheim@gmx.de.

As the news below are, in general, more of local interest and for the sake of time, we will not translate them. But, step by step, we are going to make all other information on this homepage available in english too.
In the beginning, most of the translations were done by using www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


We post these and other news also on Mastodon.